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    Circular Solutions

    Increasing the circular use of plastics in a low-carbon economy is the next challenge. As a world-class player in the energy transition, TotalEnergies has set the ambition to produce 1 million tons per year of circular polymers by 2030.

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    Certificates & Documents

    Certificates & Documents

    Regulatory Information, REACH, ISO & ISCC Certificates, Global Product Strategy (Safety Summaries), Material Safety Data Sheets, ...

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    Motion Design

    Reducing the environmental impact of our polymers

    To accelerate in the circular economy, TotalEnergies is working with the plastics industry to improve end-of-life management of plastic and reduce its environmental footprint.

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    TotalEnergies Doubles its Recycled Plastic Production Capacity in France

    Plastic Recycling: Inside Synova

    Synova, a TotalEnergies’ subsidiary since 2019, is the French leader in the production of high-performance recycled polypropylene for the automotive and construction industry.

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    3 key figures

    0 +
    employees at your service
    0 +
    production sites including soon 3 plastic recycling plants
    0 kt
    circular polymers per year by 2030

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